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Question by  Sixglint (20)

What is the normal convection for a second degree felony?

My brother was recently put on trial for second degree felony in the state of Texas, I would like to know what to expect if he is found guilty.


Answer by  JillianVandal (35)

If your brother is found guilty he will be facing no more then 20 years but no less then 2 years. He may also be punished with a fine that will not exceed 10,000. Sorry about your brother and good luck.


Answer by  tcolen (48)

In Texas the penalties are usually 2-10 years. Depending on the actual crime, this can vary greatly. If murder, he will definitely spend at least 7 years in prison. One of the biggest factors in deciding how the punishment is handed down is the accused prior record. There are also hefty fines that can be handed down.


Answer by  primatefreak (1616)

The judge will rule his/her sentence based on Texas Pinal Code section 12.33. This law states two penalties: 1) a person convicted for a second degree felony will be imprisoned for not less than two years and not more than twenty years. Also, 2) a fine will be issued not to exceed $10,000.00.


Answer by  ketha (31)

You can expect a punishment of 2 to 20 years in prison/or probation 10 years and up and or a 1000 fine.


Answer by  jrod (206)

In Texas, a second degree felony can result in a jail sentence of not more then 20 years or no less then a 2 year sentence. He can also face a fine up to $10,000 but no more than that.


Answer by  katerina (1)

if i have drug drug charges and theft charges will they take away my greencard and deport me?

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