
 diy  floors


Question by  Steph (16)

What is the best way to remove vinyl floor covering?


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

The best way to remove vinyl floor covering is to scrape it off using a putty scraper. You can also use rubbing alcohol.


Answer by  icanoutfishyou (1148)

If the vinyl floor is on concrete, the best way to remove it is to use a floor scraper; it looks just like a wall or window scraper. They use 4" blades. If the vinyl is over wood, you'll have to use a 1/4" underlayment to install new flooring.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well if you want to remove it, you better use some kind of strong alcohol substance to take the vinyl off. You will also need a scraper to do this.


Answer by  dps3957 (119)

In my opinion the removal of floors has to be done the old fashion way. hard work. remove the flooring with the proper tools by hand. this will require multiple young workers. supervised by an experienced craftsman. each layer must be removed. exposing the wood or concrete at the bottom.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Take a very pointed shovel and lift any loose piece of vinyl and continues until all is removed. If glue is on the floor use a sharp putty knife.


Answer by  eone282 (67)

with a sharp scraper becareful not to go into the wood under it. thats is the sub floor you can also try glue removers and the scraper.


Answer by  leroy (231)

Start by using a floor scraper to scrape it off. After floor has been removed, use a glue remover to clean the glue that is left behind.

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