Can you find me the song that has the lyrics: You know what, you know what,I love my dancing school?
Can you suggest some songs my dance with my brother at my wedding?
How do I learn to break dance?
If a person I do not know was given a speeding ticket in my name can I go to court and challenge the ticket and this person?
What are good first dance songs for a bride and groom?
What is the best dance scholarship?
What songs would make great additions to an "old school" dancing mix?
dating what is
Question by DesertRat (699)
Answer by saleem (20)
Before asking spend a few minutes by talking about your self, praise them by giving good complents about their appearence,share a soft drink. And then ask them for a dance.
Answer by jagath (7)
Hi baby, you are very beautiful today. Nice frock. I like to talk with you, shall we dance and talk?
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