what is


Question by  FrankShines (19)

What is the amygdala and thyroid connection?


Answer by  Cassandradalla (228)

The hypothalamus secretes peptide releasing hormones, which contribute to the regulation of the secretion of tropic hormones in the anterior pituitary gland. One of the targets organs of action of tropic hormones is the thyroid. Like the tonsils (sometimes called the "amygdalae") the thyroid gland plays an important function in the body's overall immune system.


Answer by  rosieposey78 (1304)

Anti-depressants intensify the effects of thyroid hormones in the amygdala - at least this is proven in rats. There are also other possible theorized connections that both of these may also predict immune dysfunction in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. However, this connection is less clear.


Answer by  Jason14 (69)

There is no direct connection between the amygdala and the thyroid gland. The amygdala is part of the limbic system, and controls fear and aggression reaction and affects the release of stress hormones, as weall as helping regulate sexual impulses. None of these functions have any direct bearing upon the thyroid gland.


Answer by  t123 (520)

If you are experiencing depression, anxiety or panic attacks, experts suggest that you look into getting a thyroid test or look into checking if your amygdala has a micronutrient deficiency.


Answer by  dlraska (460)

anti-depressents intensify the effects of thyroid hormones in the amygdala.A thyroid function test is a simple blood test to see if this is happening. You could save yourself years of heartache if you do this. A number of endocrinologist are now acknowledging that the normal ranges for thyroid function tests may not be sufficient to identify thyroid problems.

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