


Question by  TGAYATHRI (6)

What is some commonly-false poison sumac information?

What are some urban legends about it?


Answer by  tb3535 (52)

Poison sumac cannot be warded off with mosquito repellent. Sumac is not poison ivy in disguise, but it is a completely different species of plant. Washing with soap and cold water will not prevent you from getting poison sumac reaction, instead it will help spread the sumac. Unlike poison ivy, poison sumac is found at high altitudes.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

It is a rare shrub, uncommon and hard to find, growing only in wetlands. The common Staghorn sumac looks like it but is not poisonous. It is part of the cashew family. The rash is not contagious but the oil is and can be carried on a pet's hair.


Answer by  sumacmom (5)

Sumac shrubs or trees species are not all poinsonous. All sumacs have a milky sap that is irritating to the skin but few are poisonous.

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