what is


Question by  vijay97 (14)

What is maggot therapy?

It's listed as a possibility for my treatment.


Answer by  NoblesseOblige (444)

Maggot therapy is the practice of removing dead tissue to promote healing using disinfected maggots...who eat said tissue and allow for correct healing of the affected area.


Answer by  aantix (15)

Maggot therapy is the use of maggots to remove dead cells and bacteria from an open wound. Maggots have longed been used to clean out open wounds with accounts of their usage dating back to the Mayan cultures. The maggots are generally raised in sterile environments so there's no reason to be concerned about wound contamination.


Answer by  LadyLawyer (325)

Still in use today, but basically an older system used prior to antibiotics. It is often listed as a treatment during the American Civil War due to the high number of amputations. Surgeons would insert maggots into the flesh, so that the maggot would eat the rotting flesh and allow new healthy skin to appear.


Answer by  catysuzgirl2000 (578)

It is the medical use of maggots to eat away dead tissues from a part of the open wound of a human to help its recovery.


Answer by  sam805236aolcom (267)

Maggot therapy is used for injuries where there is a lot of tissue damage/dying tissue. It is a very effective and efficient treatment. The maggots will eat the rotten/rotting flesh without touching healthy flesh.


Answer by  olive49 (424)

Maggot therapy is a type of biotherapy for wound treatment. Live maggots or larvae are placed into the non-healing wound. The maggots will eat only the necrotic tissue and stimulate the healthy tissue to heal better.


Answer by  CleothaTucker (120)

Maggot therapy is a special treatment used to get rid of infections and gangrene. Maggots are used eat the dead and infected flesh from the area before the skin can start being treated normally.

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