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Question by  rara (41)

What is gelatin made of?


Answer by  kmccarte (187)

Gelatin, a common ingredient in candies, marshmallows, and other products, is made of collagen from inside animal skins and bones. The majority of gelatin is produced from pig skins, followed by cow hides, and bones. Most people believe that gelatin is made from hooves and horns, but that is not true.


Answer by  benjiross (993)

Gelatin is collagen in a form that is irreversibly hydrolysed. The collagen is derived from animal skin, intestines and bones. It is produced y partial hydrolysis that makes it get its special properties. It forms a highly viscous solution with water and sets to gel on cooling. This property finds its use in many food stuff.


Answer by  BrianMatthewJanisse (101)

Gelatin is made from the collagen found inside the skin and bones of animals. It is a protein and is derived from the body parts of cows, horses, pigs and other animals. Most gelatin is derived from the byproducts of other industries such as the meat industry. Gelatin can be food grade or non-food grade.


Answer by  pyritejenny (347)

The commercial gelatin used in most packaged desserts is made from the collagen in the skin, hoofs, and connective tissue of farm and ranch animals like horses, pigs, and cattle. It has been modified into a form that congeals when prepared at home. Gelatin substitutes like agar are available in health food stores, and are easy to use.

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