what is


Question by  Jakob (13)

What is BUNAC USA?

Is it like the Peace Corps?


Answer by  Ken56 (1160)

It is the American branch of BUNAC, the British Universities North American Club. It is not exactly like the Peace Corps, but rather, provides students the opportunity to live and study and/or work in various countries of the world. The purpose is to expose members to different cultures, whereas the Peace Corps' mission is providing aid to impoverished people.


Answer by  winnieslo (132)

BUNAC stands for British University North America Club. It is a non-profit, non political organization that offers students both overseas work opportunities but also the chance to do volunteer work in South Africa , Peru and Cambodia.


Answer by  xstart (174)

BUNAC is a non-profit, non-political national student club which offers opportunities for working in foreign countries. On their website they mention that "internationalising" your resume is important in today's global economy.


Answer by  dhuoda (1431)

BUNAC USA is a branch of an international organization that arranges opportunities for people, often young people on a gap year, to spend time abroad doing useful volunteer work. It provides infrastructure and support, and gives participants and their families services guidance when needed.

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