

Question by  nessy16 (1)

What is another word for "irritated?"


Answer by  patti (29325)

It can mean annoyed, bugged, rubbed the wrong way (figuratively), chafed (literally or figuratively), unnerved, upset, fed up. "Irritated" can also refer to a physical condition, like irritated skin or an irritated injury. "Aggravated" is not a synonym for "irritated." "Aggravate" is to make something worse, so once it is irritated, it then can be aggravated.


Answer by  malone (4817)

Annoyed. Bothered. Bugged. Disturbed. Harassed. Exasperated. Chafed. Rubbed the wrong way. Sore.


Answer by  jlwilson6 (1098)

Other words for irritated include: annoyed, bothered, agitated, troubled, aggravated, disturbed, provoked, or exasperated. Irritated means to be arounsed by impatience or to by annoyed.

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