

Question by  Janette (46)

What is an example of an evergreen flower?


Answer by  writergalfriday (325)

Evergreen flowers are plants that grow all year long. Examples include sage, verbena, geraniums and hyssop. These types of plants can be grown either indoors in clay pots or in a garden bed.


Answer by  msjanetjones (158)

The Azalea or Formosa is an evergreen flower that comes in a variety of colors such as magenta and lavender. The evergreen Azalea will drop it's leaves in the fall but has a second coat of leaves underneath for the evergreen appearance. They grow well in shaded areas and are quite aggressive in growth but can be shaped to desire.


Answer by  friendlyhobbit (42)

An evergreen plant has the characteristic of remaining green all year. Some evergreen plants produce flowers. A few examples include the rhododendron and cranberry shrub.


Answer by  Gus28 (683)

In cold climate the only true evergreens are pines and firs. The White pine cone and Tassel (Pinus strobus) is Maine's state flower. In tropical climates you will find evergreen flowers, which are plants that bloom year around. Examples are numerous -- orchids, bromides, Chineese Hat.


Answer by  desrtfox (23)

Probably the best known example ofan evergreen flower, that is a flower that exclusivley grows on an evergreen tree, would be the evergreen rose.


Answer by  john7788 (225)

An evergreen flower is a flower thats always blossoming all year long. This pretty much refers to shrubs or shrubbery. I'm pretty sure pine is an evergreen, but even if it has the same main characteristic: it doesn't wither or change colors. These are common in my neck of the woods, NJ.

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