Are digital scales more accurate than analog scales?
How can I prevent my houseplants from having scales?
How do you reduce gray scale in illustrator?
What can I do for my aglaonema plant that has developed scales?
What can you tell me about keratin feathers scales in dogs?
What is the Metal Hardness Scale?
What is the proper way to do the scale on a trumpet, proper fingering position?
Question by anne (336)
Answer by amtcura66 (1340)
The wood hardness scale is a scale that measures how hard wood is. There is really soft would that you can nick with your fingernail.
Answer by Jdog37 (592)
The wood hardness scale simply attributes a number to a type of wood and it falls on the scale as either being soft, medium, to hard wood.
Answer by japratt (1687)
The normal wood hardness scale will tell how you hard and thick your wood is. You may need to different types of woods for your floors in different parts of your house.
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