health conditions


Question by  thirupathee (6)

What is a good blood pressure?

What is healthy?


Answer by  JenniferLW (81)

The textbook answer for a good blood pressure is 120/80. While this is a number that individuals often strive for, a couple points above or below these numbers are often still considered healthy. If you have any questions about your blood pressure, I encourage you to consult with your doctor.


Answer by  Jo3355 (575)

The numbers have changed over the years - but now they are saying the "best" blood pressure rating is 110 over 70.


Answer by  Brian94588 (304)

For most people, normal blood pressure is 120/80. Doctors usually want to start treating it if it's any higher than that.


Answer by  Moma123 (1043)

In an adult the normal blood pressure in resting condition should be 120 mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic. Normal systolic pressure can vary between 90 to 120 mmHg. Normal diastolic pressure can vary between 60 to 80 mmHg. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels can increase by 10 mmHg during exercising, walking, jogging, climbing stairs,cycling, swimming etc.

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