health conditions


Question by  feralcatlady (38)

What informaiton can you give me on hernia's, endomorphism and having a colonscopy?

I was told I need a colonscopy due to endometriosis and hernia.


Answer by  TrishWebber (72)

A colonoscopy can tell the doctor whether or not you are having bowel problems because you have endometriosis. Sometimes the endometrium nodules, which are usually found only in the uterus, grow through the bowel wall and cause problems.


Answer by  Mrscmrn (1449)

It would be helpful to know your age and type of hernia. Endometriosis is a condition of the lining of the uterus. Colonoscopies are not usually routine for endometriosis. Some hernias may include an outpouching of the colon into the hernia and a colonoscopy could be helpful to diagnose. Physician recommend colonoscopies every 5 years after your 40th birthday.


Answer by  Molae06 (1467)

Although the colonscopy would be beneficial an x-ray would work just as well. If your not comfortable with the colonscopy ask for the x-ray.


Answer by  jsteiny03 (346)

Hernia's are caused by a tear in the abdominal wall and should be taken care of immediatley with surgery. An endomorphism is a mathematical term. A colonoscopy is a procedure done by a gasteroenterologist in which he examines your colon with a colonoscope.

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