

Question by  shreya (58)

What happens if your fingernail turns black?

I smashed my finger in a door, not the nail has gone black.


Answer by  Angie83 (180)

If your nail turns black after it has been smashed it will grow a new nail under the old one. Eventually, the old one will come off. After the old is gone, the new one may be somewhat wavy. The wavy part will grow out and your nail will be normal again.


Answer by  Toad35 (15)

You popped a blood vessel, and that is what is causing the dark color under the nail. The blood is inside your skin but it turns dark and visible.


Answer by  DrkAng3Lx (47)

It'll probably fall off soon. Likely you smashed it so hard you broke some capillaries in your finger and it's the skin under it that's black, not the nail itself.

posted by Anonymous
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Answer by  quisqualis (1756)

When a nail goes black, there is a lot of blood under it. This leads to the nail separating from the nail bed. As the new nail grows out, it will be normal again. This takes months.


Answer by  Anonymous

I've had this from running i too small shoes. My nail fell off after a month and grew back in a few, if it hurts you could try piercing the nail over the blue with a hot needle untill you reach the bed to let out blood and reduce pressure.

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