health procedures


Question by  DANAPUTHRU (12)

What happens after a hernia repair?


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

You experience severe muscle soreness in the lower abdomen for about 2 weeks. It begins to subside after that. Sometimes the doctor will prescribe physical therapy for a few weeks.


Answer by  mars3291 (252)

After hernia repair, infection and bleedingmay possibly occur but can easily treated with antibiotics. Scar tissues may be formed also. First few hours after the operation, you will hae difficulty walking and after few days may have difficulty climbing the stairs. Recovery period will be from one to six weeks. Will need the doctor's for anexercise that will suit you.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

If the repair is done out patient you will return home and be required to rest and limit your activites for up to six weeks. Your abdomen will be bandaged.


Answer by  CrazE4Bostons (183)

Usually you can continue with daily activities as soon as you feel comfortable, but you won't be able to do any strenuous activities for about 2 months. After that you should be back to normal. My doctor gave me medication for the pain, so I didn't really have many problems. Almost alway the scarring will be minimal, so don't worry.

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