

Question by  shatteredcode (65)

What happened in Virginia in 1607?


Answer by  Alexios (161)

On May 14, in 1607, the Jamestown colony was founded in modern-day Virginia. The hope of the colonists was to make money from gold mines like the Spaniards had found in South America, but after a few hard winters, the colonists started to make money off of tobacco crops instead. This was the first British colony in Modern America.


Answer by  kajalu (25)

In May of 1607 explorers from the Virginia Company landed on Jamestown Island. It was the first permanent English settlement in the United States of America. The first settlers there had to face disease, famine, and attacks from the native Algonquin Indians in order to survive. It was under the leadership of John Smith that they were able to survive.


Answer by  dooditschels (22)

In 1607, the town of Jamestown was founded in Virginia. It was the first permanent English settlement in the United States.

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