

Question by  4lizzieb (120)

What do you do when you are bored at work?


Answer by  Philliprokks (32)

You could bring a music player.


Answer by  Philliprokks (32)

It all really depends on what your job is. If its like a computer job you could always go to other websites and play games, or do something you are interested in on the internet. You can always bring a handheld devise too.


Answer by  Anonymous

google : what to do when your bored....thats what i did


Answer by  calcutta (168)

I have so much to do, that i never get bored... every few days i take a break and play spider solitaire. It comes with most operating systems. I play the easy level, but try to complete the game in as few moves as possible. my record is 92 moves.


Answer by  somerset (801)

Some jobs might be boring, however, if somebody is paying you to do a job, being bored is not an option. Try to mix it up, help somebody else, or come up with some new ideas. If there is really nothing else to do, read a book if acceptable.


Answer by  kat43xxnetzerocom (29)

When I'm bored at work I look up stupid things on the internet, like werewolves, vampires, Lochness monster, and read about them. I think the reason I always look up things that are so childish is because it makes me feel like I'm really getting away with something.


Answer by  JimB (13)

When work is slow or I get bored I browse various freelance job boards. Freelance writing is a safe, easy, and effective way to make a little more cash when you are bored. You can either write about what you like or, if you want to use a bit more time, write about a topic you have to research first.


Answer by  caringguy (40)

When I am bored at work I do a variety of things. Sometimes I listen to music. Sometimes I watch television. Other times I just randomly surf the web. In conclusion, there are many things that you can do at your leisure when you are bored at work.

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