

Question by  Mattrief (4)

What do I do about dog pimples?


Answer by  LianV (183)

Keep your dog's fur and skin clean, routine baths often help. Do not pop them, that may cause and infection. If the baths don't help try gently swabbing them with peroxide and adding a topical antibiotic.


Answer by  mrsshelast (899)

Dog pimples are normal and are not something to worry about. You can, however, clean the area with alochol or peroxide to help prevent swelling or inflamation. They will clear up on their own.


Answer by  riley4 (8)

Nothing if not inflamed or oozing. Many dogs will get pimples from allergens or skin types and as with humans, will go away on their own. Allergens or infections may need to be seen by a vet. Steroids can be of help or other salves the vet may prescribe.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Your dog may have pimples from a reaction to flea bites. The saliva from fleas sometimes cause this reaction. Treat with flea preporation. Some canine pimples come from a bacteria infection in which the vet will have to give you medication to clear it up.The difference in these types of dog pimples are established by skin scrapings.


Answer by  tasa87jc (20)

The best thing to do is to have your veterinary doctor examine that dog and he will probably prescribe a mild steroid cream. If the pimple is severe, the dog may not like the cream at first because it may cause a slight burning sensation. It should be applied three times a day at first.


Answer by  siji (62)

Dog skin care is very important. For rashes and pimples I suggest Manuka oil. I don't know how many are experienced with this. But I came to know from my friend.

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