

Question by  karilynn1031 (35)

What can you tell me about propagating pears?


Answer by  hedgielady (126)

The most reliable way to propagate cultivated fruit trees such as pears is by grafting. Grafting is a means of propagating plants by joining two separate plants in such a way that they'll function as one. The rootstock plant provides a root system, and the scion plant provides the desired top-growth. Plants must be closely related for best results.


Answer by  worker3873 (146)

Propagating pears can be very difficult for the inexperienced. The woody characteristic of pear trees makes rooting difficult but not impossible. You can select a young portion of the branch 2-3 inches long and dip it in rooting hormone with fungicide. Let the cutting sit in a cup of water with indirect sun. Good luck.


Answer by  salsafoodie (3146)

One of the best thing to know when you are propagating pears is grafting. Grafting is basically joining two plants and make them into one so you are getting more pears on the plants then a normal pear tree. It is pretty hard for people who have near propagating pears before and left for someone who is experienced in gardening.


Answer by  salsafoodie (3146)

The first thing that you have do to is that you have to strip the main root and place rooting powder on the end of the root and then you can place the new root and place into the pot.

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