

Question by  awaintrub (16)

What can i do about herniated belly buttons in pugs?


Answer by  katharine (3981)

The only way to fix herniated belly buttons is through surgery. Sometimes if they're small they'll go down on their own though.


Answer by  katrescuer (431)

I used to have a puppy that had a herniated belly button, what I did was took a 50 cent piece and secure it over the herniated area and secure it with masking tape around his belly, as the puppy grew the hernia went away. Surgery is another option.


Answer by  Molae06 (1467)

Take the animal to a licensed veterinarian as they are most experiences in treating this condition. Attempting to treat it on your own can injure the animal.


Answer by  lmm30 (294)

there is a surgery to correct this issue that you can discuess with your vet but there is no real health threat if it is left


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Ther eis nothing you can do about them it requires surgey to truly fix them and thats very expensive for just one and if you have a dozen with the problem it leads me to think there may be a genetic problem you may need to watch out for.


Answer by  JJP (360)

Hernias are caused when one or more organs begin to protrude from 2 areas on dogs either the inguinal area (by the hind legs) or in the belly button area (umbilical). A hernia in your dog needs to be taken care of by a vet. They will put the displaced structure back in place and will suture the opening closed.

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