A clear discharge right before your period is nothing to worry about, it is a normal symtom of your bodys menstrual cycle. The cramping is probably pms, or pre menstrual symptom and sometimes accompanied by a headache.
It is common to have discharge and cramping right before your expected period, the discharge is a result of hormone changes in your body and your body preparing for either pregnancy or your period.
If the discharge is clear and scant, it's normal, probably caused by hormones. 14 days before your period, ovulation causes discharge with an egg-white consistency. Premenstrual cramps are uterine contractions.
The body is getting ready to push the egg into the cervix before the period starts. Cramping comes from the tubes pushing the egg through to the cervix. Clear discharge is also the body gettting ready to accomidate this process.
THe clear discharge you are experiencing right before your period is most likely a regular part of your menstrual cycle, perhaps it is when you are ovulating.