pet health


Question by  jammin (22)

What can be done for a dog with a stomach tumor?


Answer by  James916 (539)

I would say that the dog should be taken to a veterinary hospital. From there I would think the dog would be able to undergo a surgery in which the tumor could be removed.


Answer by  Cerco (43)

After getting a series of blood tests done, one can start their animal on chemotherapy treatments if directed by their veterinarian. Success rates for animals undergoing chemotherapy are high and it gives an animal a second chance on life.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

The vets have a lot of new technology they can use on the tumors if the dog has been diagnosed the vet can tell you a lot of ways to help the dog feel better and eat better so it will feel better they also have some really good intervetions for those things now as well.


Answer by  Aya (797)

Unfortunately, surgery is about the only attempt that can be made, and its very expensive and not sure to work.

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