health conditions


Question by  AOLCanceler (73)

What are the symptoms of antifreeze poisoning?


Answer by  Devierue (317)

Vomiting, deliriousness, internal bleeding and organ failure and, likely, death. Antifreeze is a TOXIN that should not be ingested by any creature.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

The first symptoms in humans is intoxication and vomiting. At first the symptoms may be mild but will get worse. Urine testing is done to determine poisoning.


Answer by  swanee (202)

Symptoms can include things like blurred vision, blood in your urine, slurred speech, headache and vomiting, blue fingernails and toenails, cramps and rapid heartbeats. If you suspect you may suffer from this you should see the doctor immediately.


Answer by  mediamaven (579)

Symptoms include rapid and uncontrolled breathing, bluish color on lips and around mouth area, bluish tone on fingernails, blood in urine and cyanosis (loss of oxygen in the blood stream).


Answer by  drkbshah2000 (11)

Antifreeze is a liquid used to cool engines.there will be rapid breathing or no breathing,there will be blood in urine,less urine or time urine will stop.

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