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Question by  merchinpro (17)

What are the best ways to learn syntax for Dsum?

I am really confused.


Answer by  Clement (1453)

One possible technique is to remember that the Dsum parameters go (alphabetically) "from the end to the beginning": you start with Expression, proceed with the Domain and than add Criteria.


Answer by  ProfStochastic (70)

The best way to learn the syntax for Dsum is to try several examples. The Dsum function takes 3 arguments which are the database, field, criteria, respectively and performs the database sum.


Answer by  BL99 (54)

It is defined as DSum( range, field, criteria ). "range" specifies the cell range to apply the criteria information, "field" indicates the column to sum the numbers (either specify the numerical position of the column in the list or the column label in double quotation marks), and "criteria" is the range containing the criteria.

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