The most common is a squeaking noise that get louder when trying to accelerate and can cause problems with accelerating such as stalling. Most common on Ford model vehicles. I know. This happened on my Ford Taurus.
The car will miss fire and run like a 3 legged dog on ice. That is if you can get it to run. The engine will shake, and hesitate when you press the gas. The car will accelerate slowly Your fuel economy will also plummet, plus your exhaust will smell bad.
The most common symptoms would be sluggishness to the vehicle or even stalling of the vehicles engine. It likely would cause the check engine light to come on as well.
Poor acceleration, rough idling, or sputtering while idling can all equal a bad cam synchronizer. The cam synchronizer is very similar to having a bad catalytic converter, without the rotten egg smell, of a bad converter.
one major syymptom is how ur car turns over when trying to start.You could here a wierd grinding noise as the engine cranks over repeately till it starts