

Question by  trombonequeen (36)

What are some ways I can demonstrate a tesla coil to kids?


Answer by  Brandydog (631)

For electricity to travel any visable distance though the air you need alot of juice. This might be a dangerous thing to have around kids.


Answer by  Jessec1007 (165)

Before using actual products, you want to try online games that offer electronic games. Or purchase tesla coil kits to demonstrate.


Answer by  JHanft (62)

Unless you are willing to spend a couple hundred dollars to build your own coil I would suggest finding a local museum of science that would have a demonstration or take a field trip to a local college. The latter is the best suggestion since homemade coils carry the hazard of explosion and possible death.


Answer by  JimSmith (137)

I think the easiest way would be to actually build one. You can find books and websites that teach you how to make one.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well to demonstrate a tesla coil, you need to make it very interactive for the kids. Kids like to have it fun so the more you can goof around but get the point across, the better off you are.

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