health conditions


Question by  Terry (104)

What are some symptoms of an abdominal hernia?


Answer by  mb (5482)

The first symptom is extreme pain. It can cause vomiting, loss of conciousness and falling down. You will see a bump in the abdomen that wasn't there before, it will be soft to the touch and you'll be able to push it in, this might be painful or will relieve the pain. The area will turn black and blue.


Answer by  shadowb (106)

A hernia is a rupture of a muscle wall. The symptoms should include a lump or bulging, that is sensitive to touch, and/or outside pressure and exertion. These symptoms may become worse without external support. Please note: an abdominal hernia can be life threatening. If you suspect that you have an abdominal hernia, seek medical attention.


Answer by  Duncan (1124)

An abdominal hernia is when your stomach muscles get damaged. If you have one, you will know it by the excruciating pain in your abdomen, as well as nausea and dizziness. Mild hernias can be treated with rest, but if the pain does not stop for several days, seek medical attention.


Answer by  ammnivarghese (262)

Severe pain in abdomen, and back. Also very difficult to pass urine. Sometimes, you get little fever too. Anyhow, it is restless They do feel more thirsty, feeling to urinate often, they sweat very badly, and they feel restless. The frequent pain in the abdomen makes the patient,weak and he feels like taking rest.

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