health procedures


Question by  eb32 (26)

What information can you give me on panniculus and abdominal surgery?

I have concerns about panniculus and abdominal surgery.


Answer by  Lu (78)

Panniculus is an overhanging flap of skin and soft tissue of the abdomen. A board certified plastic surgeon can remove this flap and restructure the soft tissues to form a firmer abdominal wall. The surgery can be extensive but can resolve issues of skin breakdown of the skin under the overhang.


Answer by  pamnyogi (159)

This is a removal of the excess skin that hangs like an apron at stomache of people that have lost a significant amount of weight. Basically, it's like a tummy tuck only more involved. Recommended one year after a bariatric procedure,it does require a significant recovery time. It is almost necessary to those that have lost huge amounts.

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