

Question by  MotherOf4 (22)

What are some parasite insects?


Answer by  JodiJ (312)

Here in the United States the most common parasitic insects are mosquitoes, some species of flies, bed bugs, lice and fleas. They all have the common feature of feeding on other animal's blood, including humans, to survive. They are also common carriers of diseases as the transfer diseases from infected animals to other non-infected ones.


Answer by  a28 (212)

in our home there are so many parasite insects such as ring worms, tape worms, maggots, and a lot more. yur have to be careful because it can enter our body and bring infection


Answer by  thomasta1 (61)

Some parasite insects that I can think of are tapeworm, which infect animals as well as humans I think. Fleas, and head live live on their host and drink their blood. Ticks are parasitic, they latch onto a host and take their fill of blood.

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