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home decorating


Question by  beeblebrux (17)

What are some masonry fireplace design ideas?

I'm designing my dream house.


Answer by  prissymissy (1895)

There are lots of different things you can do. I like ones with brick. I think they look great. But not painted brick. Try watching home design shows too.


Answer by  Djbruton (583)

I love the jagged, gray slate rocks for the wall portion, and to match, on the harth, the smooth and round slate river rocks in the same colors. Nice contrast of smooth and rough. Be sure that the conrete used is the same tone as any wall paint. That allows it to blend


Answer by  TrinityMR (30)

Leave the rooms open, place the fireplace in the middle as a separator, freestanding from side walls and visible from both sides so that both rooms could enjoy the fireplace.

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