

Question by  elizabethsarines (12)

What are some ideas for haircuts with side bangs?


Answer by  Lucy77 (13)

For side bangs, part your hair to one side and cut your bangs at an angle, starting right above your eyebrow and blend in with the rest of your hair.


Answer by  Grace (128)

You could cut it relatively short and fluff it up or curl the ends. I tried this and it works better if u use hairspray.


Answer by  OceanTiara (158)

A side bang or a fringe can be worn with any style haircut. The reason for this is that your face shape is considered when styling. Bang types are too.


Answer by  Division1TrackAthlete (79)

You could pin back the side bangs to hide them, or you can gel them and allow them to fall over your face.

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