

Question by  jdmjam09 (26)

What are some good ways to ask a man to marry you?


Answer by  Jack97 (29)

Have him repair your clogged sink. As he's removing pipes under the sink, drop ring down the drain for him to catch. Bend your knees and say the words.


Answer by  John (9008)

Be open and honest. Men appreciate directness. Simply sit him down and explain that you are ready to settle down, and want to share your life with him. He may want to formally "propose" to you at a later date, but you should tell him how you feel.


Answer by  bash (1026)

Firstly we should study his character likes and dis-likes. Find out his family details. If he has the qualities of a perfect man, you may find out some ways to come closer to him. when he recognise that she is the kind of girl he is searching, you may approach him through your family and present your wish.


Answer by  Tammy (585)

It is never a good idea to catch a man by surprise with a marriage proposal, if you have previously discussed it, approaching it straightforwardly is the way to go.


Answer by  RancidPuma (0)

Either that or drug him.


Answer by  RancidPuma (0)

Tell him that you have more in common that he could possibly imagine, and if he doesn't believe you, show him the pre-op photos.

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