pet health


Question by  Cristina99 (12)

What are noticeable dog poisoning symptoms?


Answer by  errika69 (167)

Signs include ,drooling, skin rash, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite, staggering, muscle tremor/rigidness, seizures, coma, and visible mouth irritation.


Answer by  kirstym8428 (23)

Many symptoms of poisoning can include: drowsiness eg, the dog beig unaware or maybe stumbling, rashes on the skin, sickness/vomiting, diarrhea, muscle spasms, bleeding, siezures, irritation in the mouth


Answer by  RobertJamey (124)

Bubbles coming from the mouth of your dog, your dog whining for no reason, your dog pukes or refuses to eat.


Answer by  GreenTema (223)

Dogs who are poisoned act sick, they often get lethargic and anxious. They might start foaming from the mouth depending on the poison.

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