

Question by  crepuscular (18)

What are normal treatments for a bulging fracture?


Answer by  eric05 (42)

Most fractures will need to be reduced and immobilized. In severe cases such as compound fractures, the bone may need to be set surgically and held together with hardware.


Answer by  lyle (106)

to first take an x-ray. then make sure the bones are aligned. an increased calcium diet. and some form of protection for the location of the fracture


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

Surgery might be needed. An x-ray would have to be done and then the limb may be strapped or put into plaster. Resting the limb would be ordered.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

Immediately give Rescue Remedy an alternate madicine available in all leading medicals. Pour ice cold water on the bulging part as a firstaid treatment,take the patient to the doctor.

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