pet health


Question by  Beth25 (13)

What are heartworms and how are they treated?


Answer by  Amanda65 (1220)

Heartworms are small parasitic worms that get into a dog's heart. They require some serious medication to treat it. The best thing is to prevent heartworms with a monthly medication, that you can get from the veterinarian.


Answer by  smellycat22 (1129)

Heartworms are worm that are transmitted by mosquitoes which resides and grow inside the heart of the affected animal. The treatment for heartworm is often expensive and has serious side effects (including death). Arsenic compounds are often used to treat adult worms. Heartworm prevention should be given to prevent infestation.


Answer by  Jennifer321 (31)

Heartworms are worms in your pet's heart caused by a bite from an infected mosquito. Treatment includes injections performed by a veterinarian. It is best to use heartworm preventative.


Answer by  sooz (644)

Heartworms are a parasite passed by mosiquitoes that live in the heart and lungs of the host. There usually aren't any symptoms until the disease is very bad. Once the dog has heartworm the only way to get rid of it is a medication with arsenic. To prevent heartworms before infection there is a medication that should be taken monthly.


Answer by  kiradeleria (465)

Heartworm is spread through misquito bites and infect the heart area. The best treatment for heartworms is to get prescription medication from your vet that will help stop the heart worm and prevent it from reoccuring. You may also need surgery depending on the severness of the heartworms.


Answer by  amyj (282)

Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitos that travel to the lungs and heart of dogs and cats. They are detected by a simple blood test. Treatment involves injecting a pesticide deep into the muscles of affected dogs. This treatment can have side effects and must be administered by a veterinarian.


Answer by  Krissy (178)

Heartworms are parasites that enter and live in the arteries of the animals heart. These worms travel through the animals blood stream doing damage to the vital organs. Treating heartworms is a risky procedure, they can inject the animals muscles with a drug called adulticides.

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