pet health


Question by  afton53 (31)

What are symptoms of heartworms?


Answer by  amyj (282)

Symptoms differ by species of animal affected. It also depends on the severity of the infestation. Dogs may be asymptomatic if only a few worms are present. They often will cough or may be exercise intolerant and may have a murmur if there is a large number of worms present. Cats can be asymptomatic or die suddenly.


Answer by  SuchetaMalikGambhir (234)

Some of the common symptoms of heartworms among pets are- weight loss, blood in sputum and stool, convulsions, diarrhea, vomiting, bulging chest, increased heartbeat, blindness, poor coat condition, swollen abdomen and anemia.


Answer by  Kit (558)

In humans, they develop a unrelenting cough, probably a chest pain, slight fever, fatigue. In dogs and cats, fainting, resist eating food, cough, breath in short phases, weight loss, weakness


Answer by  cady (194)

Heart, cough, loss of weight and appetite, and trouble breathing. Heartworm can present with very mild symptoms but the blood test for it is very cheap at most vets.

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