

Question by  selfishjean (40)

How is superwash wool treated to become machine washable?


Answer by  Echo (229)

The wool is treated with a resin which coats the fiber and fuses the wool. The entire process includes a pretreatment, rinse, neutralization, rinse, and then the coating with the resin and last but not least, the addition of a softener


Answer by  Florimell (53)

Superwash wool is treated in an acid bath that corrodes away the natural scales on wool. The scales on wool are what cause wool to felt; the scales interlock and snare creating felt. By removing the scales, you remove the chance of wool felting when washing.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well basically it has a lot of chemicals on it that will prevent it from getting damaged if washed in a machine.


Answer by  Jessie124 (1885)

Sometimes the fibers are coated with a polymer, and other times it can be because the wool's been treated with an acid bath that helps keep the wool from shrinking.

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