

Question by  SkylineR34 (25)

Can you give me information about heartworms and hypothyroidism on dogs?


Answer by  outlaw (177)

Heartworms are a parasite transmitted by mosquitos, that lives in the heart and lungs. If untreated it can be fatal. Treatment itself is highly toxic, requires 2 treatments to kill the worms and then the infection. Some dogs do not survive the treatment. Monthly preventative treatment is the best defense.


Answer by  gayatri (26)

Canine hypothyroidism is the most disease of thyroid hormones being secreted by the canine thyroid gland,and is most commonly seen in middle-aged to older to dogs.


Answer by  ramoskenneth285 (631)

Hypothyroidism is a disease common to middle aged dogs and in mid to large breeds of dogs.While the heartworms are parasites transmitted by mosquito and live into heart and lungs.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Heartworms are a very common problem in dogs, especially in certain areas. You should always ask your vet about heartworm testing and preventative.


Answer by  Moz (47)

Heartworms in dogs is caused by the bite of an infected mosquito. Prevention is important, a dog with heartworms can become costly to treat and the symptoms may go undetected for some time. Hypothyroidism is a common problem in dogs and is the result of insufficient thyroid hormones being produced within the dog.


Answer by  maithry (66)

hearthworm casued by the bite of mosquitoand it causes heartfailure and death. your dog is sleeps more than usual and the breathing is harder. due to hypothyroidism,the dog will become enlargetic.


Answer by  pravin (33)

yes,i can give you the information about heartworms and hypothyroidism on dogs. hypothyroid disease is a deficiency of thyroid hormone. because the thyroid glands sets,the rate at which cells burn the energy,because of that ,dogs become dull and listless in body and soul. it is the most endocrine disease in dogs and pets.

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