pet health


Question by  julyamy (25)

Should I be concerned that my dog ate a wood skewer?


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

If your dog passes the wood skewer naturally then the dog will be alright. If the dog becomes constipated and maybe sick and not eating the dog will have to have an operation to remove the skewer as it may become life threatening. It could puncture an organ.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Keep a close eye out for abnormal signs: constipation, bloody stool, fever, pain. If you notice anything, get to a vet fast. Stomach acid may also soften the skewer before it has a chance to do damage, but you will probably have to help remove it from it's bottom.


Answer by  L66 (29)

Yes! You should take your dog to a veterinarian immediately! A wooden skewer, or any sharp object, could, and probably will, puncture a vital organ ultimately causing a painful death. Hopefully, a veterinarian will be able to surgically remove the object before serious damage is done.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Your dog should immediately be taken to the vets to have x-rays done. There is a possibility that the skewer is lodged or had done damage to the dogs internal organs.

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