pet health


Question by  lance (26)

Should I be concerned that my dog ate a toad?


Answer by  sandyriley (109)

You should definitely be concerned if your dog ate a toad. Some toads are poisonous! Call your vet right away and let him or her know what the toad looked like.


Answer by  Marsholio (79)

Dogs eat all kinds of crazy things. I wouldn't worry about a toad unless you live in the Amazon and it was poisonous. I would just keep an eye on the dog and if it starts acting funny take it to a vet.


Answer by  Fred35 (10)

I think that when dogs eat toads, the canine runs the risk of getting sick to its stomach. The slimy coating on toads can be noxious and will make a small dog ill or it could cause it to die. Call your vet if your your pooch swallowed a toad!


Answer by  ThomasBranch (12)

Yes you should wash out its mouth with water and take it to a vet if possible. If the vet is closed that's all you can do. Hope it's ok

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