pet health


Question by  BranDLuu (1)

My rat just had a 5 minute seizures for the 3rd time. Do you think i should get him checked out?


Answer by  Jennifer321 (31)

Yes, as soon as possible. Each time your rat has a seizure, brain damage is occuring. This is especially dangerous with seizures lasting five minutes or longer. Your vet will be able to run tests to determine if something is causing your rat's seizures or if it is epilepsy. They will also be able to advise you on treatment options.


Answer by  jackystack (19)

If I were you I definitely would! Seizures are usually a sign of other problems. Have you recently started using a new cleaning method? Products like clorox or lysol can cause odd behavior (seizures) and possibly cause death. Fancy Rats have a tendency to have diabetes, which will cause seizures.


Answer by  PetLover2011 (7)

Your rat should be examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible. He could suffer from epilepsy or another disease that can be controlled by medication, however only a licensed veterinarian can determine the cause of the seizures. You should document the times, dates, and length of each seizure, as well as any changes in his environment.


Answer by  benji56 (65)

Seizures are very common in rats, and as with all other living mammals, the causes can vary. Epilepsy is possible, or they could be idiopathic seizures. He should be checked.

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