

Question by  dano (82)

My dog is vomiting large amounts of bile. Should I take him to a vet?


Answer by  thrishulrulz (150)

There are some major diseases that can cause dogs to vomit large amount of bile,but they are very rare. Since you have not mentioned the exact symptoms its very hard to tell the exact problem. I suggest you see vet soon and act by vet's directions.


Answer by  Tracipoo (1329)

Yes, I would definitely take him to the vet. Large amounts of bile could have something to do with his gall bladder or his stomach lining. Not to mention very unpleasant for him to have to go through. Sometimes you can allow your dog to go outside on the lawn and eat grass to settle their stomachs.


Answer by  outlaw (177)

Acid forming on an empty stomach can cause this. Try giving a treat or small amount of food before bed. If this continues or pet is lethargic, see your vet.


Answer by  Darkephoenix (1789)

Sounds like you've got a pretty sick dog. Yes. Immediately. Something is definitely wrong with the dog. Also, vomiting can destroy everything from the esophagus lining to the soft palate of the mouth and teeth.

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