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Question by  Bob71 (27)

My bird has foot blisters, what should I do?


Answer by  raun08 (1839)

Sounds like you need to check for rust spots and jagged areas on the bird's cage wires. You should also look at what you are using for perches. Wood perches are porous and can carry bacteria so require regular disinfecting. As can toys.


Answer by  Sara89 (367)

Take the bird to a veternarian that is accustomed to working with birds. This condition should be treated promptly, usually with antibiotic cream that a vet can prescribe.


Answer by  Jaggers (1018)

Start by limiting its time in the sun. By no means apply aloe to the blisters because it will make it slip off the perch.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

If your bird's an Amazon, this is a recognized condition, but the cause is unknown. It's treatable. If not an Amazon I am very concerned. This is NOT normal. Your cage should not cause this if clean and safe, so I'm worried about diet. You MUST see an avian vet.


Answer by  Dave2560 (204)

It would probably be a good idea to take the bird in to a vet to have them treated so the blisters can be checked for severity and to make sure there are no infections beginning.


Answer by  destinyisntfree (242)

The best thing to do in this case would be to contact a licensed veterinarian in your area that specializes in birds and exotic pets. There are many things that could cause this, and if you are concerned, it is best to have it checked, rather than leave to chance whether or not it could be a serious condition.

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