

Question by  worker8259 (68)

Is Xenadrine EFX an effective medicine?

What are the side effects?


Answer by  TMoore (31)

Xenadrine EFX has been proven effective in recent studies when take as directed. While using the product some people reported massive energy, anxiety, shaking, light headedness, increased heart rate, nausea, upset stomach, cramps, numbness, increased sweating and the need for more water. A few users also reported that spots appeared on the skin, but went away after discountinued use.


Answer by  LeheckaG (1826)

U.S. FTC (Federal Trade Commission) sued over-the-counter dietary-supplement Xenadrine EFX's advertisers & manufacturers to halt their claims & issue refunds to consumers. While Xenadrine-EFX multi-component-formula "might" work similar to FDA-banned "Ephedra alkaloids"; According to NIH (National Institutes of Health) studies: Xenadrine-EFX's sympathomimetic compounds are NOT safe, due to similarly-bad blood-pressure/cardiac-arythmia/stroke effects. Death/heart-attack, hypertension, or stroke = possible side-effects.

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