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Question by  Robert61 (48)

Is there such a thing as a mystery snail diet?


Answer by  altos (224)

No such thing as a mystery snail diet. Just a mystery snail or pomacea bridgesii. They're herbivores, eating left over fish food and plants like algae.


Answer by  sunny83 (157)

No there isn't. There is something called a mystery snail though, or a golden mystery snail to be more precise. These water snails eat fish food that the fish don't get to as well as plants.


Answer by  YourMoneyAnswerGal (654)

No. Mystery snails are also known as "apple" snails and are popular additions to aquariums. They are sold for aquariums, not for food.


Answer by  Amy11 (67)

An Internet search reveals that, to the best of our knowledge, there is no such thing as a mystery snail diet.

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