

Question by  madhanprasana (109)

Is there such a thing as a beginners trumpet mouthpiece?


Answer by  knightmare (1231)

There definitely are beginner trumpet mouthpieces. Mouthpieces range from beginner to expert, with different mouthpieces having different depths and curves within the piece. A beginner one is going to look very rounded, like a fat bell. This will be the basic mouthpiece to hit most of the notes on a common b flat scale, perfect for beginners.


Answer by  dave4359 (66)

While most beginners will find a medium-large bore throat with a medium depth cup easiest to produce a good tone on, it is not strictly a size for beginners.


Answer by  Mable (3008)

Yes and no: The teacher or qualified dealer will look at the configuration of the beginner's mouth, teeth and lips to determine the correct beginning mouthpiece -- as the embouchere develops, changes may be made to the right size mouthpiece.


Answer by  user21 (361)

No. It just takes practice to get used to playing. Some people find it easier to play the tuba. You could also practice buzzing your lips to increase speed to help you play better.

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