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Question by  Jen61 (15)

Is there a special suit to wear to a Baptist baptism?


Answer by  grewupbaptist (21)

Generally the answer to this is no. The Baptist religion does not mandate any particular dress for a baptism (whether you're watching or being baptised). The person baptised may be given a special robe by some churches. Different churches will have different expectations about the degree of formality for attendees.


Answer by  JennyG (6)

Special baptism clothes are not a biblical requirement, but many churches give you a robe to wear. Our baptist church has you wear a special one piece maroon jumpsuit type gown that is made of a special waterproof fabric that is very modest. The ladies wear shower caps as well.


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

Most Baptist churches practice "full-immersion" Baptism which means getting soaked head to toe. Typically people are told to bring clothes that they don't mind getting wet. They change into these clothes just before the baptism and the church supplies a robe to go over the clothing. After the Baptism you dress again in your good church clothes.

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