

Question by  Carrie43 (24)

Is there a relationship between feces and pink eye?


Answer by  GreenTema (223)

Yes, there is a relationship between feces and pink eye. Feces is a very dirty and should really be near your face, but sometimes accidents happen. Pink eye is caused by one of the many Bactria in feces. Feces-eye exposure is one of the most preventable ways of causing pink eye.

Reply by NanaOfTen (0):
"Feces is a very dirty and should be near your face."
Why would you want feces of ANY sort near your face?  add a comment
Reply by NanaOfTen (0):
correcting the quote:
"Feces is a very dirty and should really be near your face."  add a comment

Answer by  errika69 (167)

Yes, there are numerous causes of conjunctivitis. Such causes can be bacteria, viruses, irritants, and allergies. These categories can include STD's (like chlamydia or gonorrhea, viruses (such as the common cold), irritating chemicals (like bleach or acid), or common allergies to allergens. These can be cleared away using pills, drops, or ointments prescribed by a doctor.


Answer by  finette (157)

Pink eye can be caused by fecal bacteria getting into the eye, but there are a lot of other possible causes as well. The most common cause of pink eye (also called conjunctivitis) is a viral infection, which can be spread from person to person just like a cold. Pink eye can also be caused by an allergic reaction.


Answer by  Lizzie44 (39)

Yes--getting feces in your eye can lead to pinkeye infection due to bacteria in the feces. Not all pinkeye infections are bacterial, some are caused by a virus or by allergies, but always make sure you wash your hands after using the bathroom and any other time you may come in contact with feces, such as when handling animals.


Answer by  Anonymous

my cuzin has pink eye and it was said to be sexually related but she was also around animals all week so..... be careful

posted by Anonymous
Hmmmm.... Were these two issues related? Definately a hot bed for pick eye if they were.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

My sister fell in horse poop.. and got pink eye.. Now I have it, and my friend. All in less than a week.


Answer by  Anonymous

I know someone who has the poop eye. She didnt believe me when I told her how she got it, I think from her cats on her bed. Thanks for proving the poop eye factor!


Answer by  Anonymous

my friend got feces in his eye....he now has pink eye. that is all


Answer by  Anonymous

Pinkeye is an infection or allergy of the conjunctivae Conjunctivitis is highly contagious spreading by direct person-to-person contact, in airborne droplets that are coughed or sneezed, or from sharing makeup, towels and washcloths.

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