digestive health


Question by  Ratheesh (44)

Is there a cure for gastritis?

Or do you just treat it?


Answer by  azmaray (68)

Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach mucosa damaging its lining, but in most cases the damage is not permanent. Causes include longtime use of nsaids/spicy foods/stress/anxiety/h.pylori infection/alcohol/tobacco use. Some cases may resolve over time, usually when the cause is removed.Gastritis heals itself. Lifestyle changes are necessary along with medical treatment.


Answer by  EB (12)

Gastritis is mostly treated with antacids, H2 blockers, PPI's, NSAID avoidance, and sometimes with antibiotics depending if the person has H. Pylori bacteria or not. Typically this results in a cure but caution should be exercised when using NSAID's to avoid the gastritis from coming back.


Answer by  cathybellejones (309)

The first thing to do in the case of gastritis is to make sure that the bowel is emptied completely on a daily basis. Antacids offer temporary relief.


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

Gastritis is typically just treated, because the body tends to heal the condition itself. This condition results from the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Over time, the body is usually able to calm the inflammation on it's own. There are medicines available to treat the symptoms of severe cases of this condition.

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