health procedures


Question by  clocktik (8)

Is it safe to take phenteramine when you are going under with anesthesia?

I am on phenteramine and will be put under for surgery.


Answer by  patti (29325)

Your surgeon and your anesthesiologist are the only two who can advise you regarding the types of medications that are okay to take when you have surgery scheduled. For your protection, let both of these doctors know if you are taking phenteramine, or any other medication, whether it is prescription or over-the-counter, prior to surgery.


Answer by  patti (29325)

Let your physician and the anesthesiologist know that you are taking phentaramine. The doctors will consider your overall situation and advise you accordingly about safety concerns.


Answer by  sailoryue (853)

one of the requirements for surgery is that 12 hours prior to it your not supposed to have any food. and probably 24 hours prior no medication. your best bet is to ask your doctor if you can take it, his advise is the most important here.


Answer by  turkworker (1007)

I don't think it is safe to take phenteramine if you are going to have anesthesia, but it is best to discuss this with your doctor to discuss the risks.


Answer by  RRGKK (412)

It may depend on what substance is being used to put you under. If you have concerns, contact your doctor or the anestgiologist that will be involved in your surgery. They should be aware of any medications you are taking, but to ensure safety, you can notify them personally and ask questions to soothe any fears.

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